The Shape Bucket

We’re 36 hours removed our first visit to the ER, and Leo seems to be on the mend. You can tell he’s still not feeling well, because he’s not really interested in the active playtime activities that he usually enjoys, and he still doesn’t have an appetite. We’ve taken advantage of the downtime by reading more books, spending more time on the floor playing with his stacking cups and shapes bucket. It’s been fun watching him discover how things can fit together and come back apart.

Here’s a 2-minute video of Leo getting his first shapes through the bucket lid, with a little help from Brandon.


Leo’s 3-Month Photos

The photo shoot experience was much better this time, and I attribute it all to better planning! Leo’s nap and feeding were perfectly timed to make him super-happy and smiley!

Click here to see the other photos that I uploaded to Facebook.

Leo’s become quite a rolley-polley lately. He’s rolling from tummy-to-back and from back-to-tummy, and sometimes he just stops mid-roll and hangs out with one hip up in the air. He’s become friends with Jerry, a giraffe he got from Great-Grandma Siver. It’s a beenie baby that is perfectly sized for Leo to grab. He really likes hugging him and chewing on his horns/ears.

3 Months Old

Over the last month Leo has grown a lot and has started to take an interest in playing with toys. And dad. Here’s some photos:

Playing with his rattle.

Playing with daddy and his chains.

Playing in his new Jumperoo.

Hanging with dad and checking out “Zippy” the Zebra.

Starting the teething process – lots of drool and He’s trying to put everything he gets a hold of in his mouth.